Шалаев Владимир Михайлович
Шалаев Владимир Михайлович, 1957 года рождения, окончил Красноярский государственный университет (КГУ) в 1979 году, специалист в области когерентной оптики, защитил диссертацию на соискание ученой степени кандидата физико-математических наук в 1983 году, работал старшим научным сотрудником в лаборатории когерентной оптики Института физики им. Л.В. Киренского Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук (ИФ СО РАН) с 1982 по 1997 год. Ученик профессора Александра Кузьмича Попова.
Vladimir M. Shalaev, Scientific Director for Nanophotonics at Birck Nanotechnology Center, Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Professor of Physics in Purdue University, USA. He is a world leading expert in nanophotonics, plasmonics, and optical metamaterials.
Vladimir M. Shalaev has received several awards for his research in the field of nanophotonics and metamaterials, including the Max Born Award of the Optical Society of America for his pioneering contributions to the field of optical metamaterials, the Willis E. Lamb Award for Laser Science and Quantum Optics, Rolf Landauer medal of the ETOPIM (Electrical, Transport and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media) International Association, Joseph W. Goodman Book writing award from OSA and SPIE, Top 50 Nano Technology Award, the UNESCO Medal for the development of nanosciences and nanotechnologies and IEEE Photonics Society William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, APS, SPIE, MRS and OSA.
Prof. Shalaev presented over 300 plenary, keynote and invited talks at International conferences and leading research centers. He has authored 3 books, 5 edited/co-edited books, 28 invited book chapters, 15 patents and over 400 research publications, in total (h-factor is 80, as of May 2016, according to Google Scholar).
Шалаев В.М.
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Шалаев В.М.
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Шалаев В.М.
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Шалаев В.М.
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